Monday, August 30, 2010

|i luv them|


sy tgh free cikit ckrg, here's a pic of my friends during the berbuka puase....

nurin yg pluk shakila..n credit to me for snapping the pic...hehe...

tgk diorg..kurus2 kn....hehe...kene kurus jugak...mcm diowg...hehehe....


[ahad di melaka]

hehe....good morning...ehhe..

ari ni (mksudnye semalam la kn...ari ahad) lik ke melaka naik bas transnasional pkul 12.45 tghari tp bas tu lmbat....bile die cmpy ctecen bas shah alam, rmy pulak yg g melaka....diowg men duduk ikut suke ati dowg je..jd sy tpkce duduk kt seat mane2 yg lepas 2 jam, sy pn cmpy melaka..thanx to nurin n haziq yg anta sy n teman sy kt ctecen hepy wlaupn sy jmpe ng nurin n shakila kejap...da ckup utk ilang kn rindu sy...hehe..

cmpy je umah....home cweet pn tido..penat...dlm pkul 6 bgun...diowg kejut nk ajak g bli last2, mkn kt kafe hostel mkn nack goreng cine ng tlur ddar...air mct la fresh orange yg lmbt gk la dpt mknan...cb rmy yg mkn kt kafe..cian plak yg tukang mck tuh..diowg pn xcmpat mkn cb nk macak alhamdulillah..kenyang...hehe...

lepas solat maghrib, sy duk je dlm blik...xwat ape pn..cik jaja g kuar bercinta...hehehe....lps tu die ajak g pn kene la tunaikan janji sy thadap bebudak umah da janji akan belanje dowg mkn eskrim paddle pop kalau dr. thiru cancel kelas...cbnye, dr. thiru tu TAK akan cancel kelas...die lecturer baru, ckema, n mcm berdedikasi je mgajar.....mustahil la ttbe ari jmaat ari tu die cancel kelas pkul 8 tu cb ptg tu ade test subjek, die xwat la memule die nk wt gak kelas tp tah apela bebudak len pujuk die..die cancel...jd, sy pn tunaikan janji sy..belanje dowg eskrim paddle pop rainbow...g mkn kt dataran mbmb...cmbil mkn, tgkap2 gambar....borak2...da lame xlepak2....pastu, ktorg g mkn kt mcD...nk mkn kt mcD melaka mall....boleh fries HABIS.....tanpa fries mcD, bende len xbermakne....jadi, kami pn kuar balik n g kat mcD taman mkn dabel cheese bege....sahur la...hehee..myn amik quarter pounder...jaja amik happy meal cheesebege...reyha mkn mcchicken n kak ti mkn ayam goreng spicy...hehehe...lepas tu, kami pn balik....

sok da ade perancangan da....kami cuti ari isnin...nk g bejalan la...hehehe...pdhal ari kamis ade test...n ade 2 proposal project nk kene submit mggu ni...adoila...bejalan je raye...ekekek...

k la...enough for today...jaja da pecan kene tido awal..cb nk kuar pagi sok p shopping...hehehe...


Sunday, August 29, 2010 silence...


It's been a while kn since my last post..if i'm not mistaken, more than 2weeks da kot..hehe...sorry...coz i've been very bz n i have n o time to update my bloggy..i have so many stories to share but assignments n tests had kept me very bz...blame them n not me ok...hehe...i always sleep very late during the nights n i had cnsider myself as nocturnal..hehe...n some of my friends also called me kelawar..haha..then,with not enough sleep at night, i got very sleepy in the class..especially the 8 a.m classes..hehe...aiyo...jahat kn?hehe..ouh...rite now i'm blogging in a car using my phone..otw home from al-andalus restaurant..arabian cuisine..ouh..forgot to tell ya..i'm at shah alam visiting a very best friend of mine..we had planned to bukak pose together with another one best friend of mine..nurin n shakila..we went to klcc n nurin's bf,haziq joined us n take us there..we ate at dome n after borak2 for about 2hours, we went to pavillion..shakila bought a very cute jacket..ok..die krus..cng bli bju..n after that,shakila pny bf dtg amik die n ktorg p lepak kt andalus bru nk lik..nurin da pgsan cb pn da ctart pning cb memblogging dlm kete..hehe..tu dlu la wat mase ni ek..later on, sy update lg..hehe..daa..

Thursday, August 12, 2010

|cakit kepale|

mari kite tido awl....cakit kepale.....

terngiang2 kak ti nyanyi lagu iklan minyak cap kapak....hehe..

td bebuke ng air keladi ng murtabak....ehehhe...

sahur nnt mkn roti kot...hehe...


p/s: sy rindu bdk garang sy...die ilang....


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

|camat bersahur|

ting tong...o_O

sy da bersahur....alhamdulillah sume budak umah sy bgun kecuali jaja....hehe...set alarm pkul tjage dlm 5.06 bile myn ketuk pintu bilik...hehe..

menu utk sahur:
~ twiggies vanilla - 1
~ nestum 3 in 1 - 1 mug
~ kurma myn (kurma madu yusoof taiyoob) - 1 bijik 
~ megi goreng reyha - cikit je

hehe.....sementara tggu subuh, sy pn print out jadual imsak n berbuka di melaka....hehe

ouh..da azan....mari kite solat..hehe...

camat berpuase sume...semoga ari ni dipenuhi ng keberkatan...


|baby sy kene hospitalized|


ckrg nih sy tggu mce nk tido je...jap g kn nk bgun sahur lak....ehhe....melaka amik cuti smpena 1st ramadhan...jadi, holiday!!!!hehe....duk umah..jemur kain...hehe....pdhal ade kije yg xciap...ngehngehngeh...hehe

ooo...berkenaan tajuk di atas....begini tghari mase kelas tgh nk membalas msg dr kwn sy yg duk blakang sy iaitu myn...(ngade2 kn dlm kelas pn mcg...eheh)....ttbe sy ttekan button, sy nk on balik la...die tanak bpikir2, mungkin battery abih cb battery tuh da menunjukkan kaler, xpela..tggu la balik nnt....

sesampai di umah, sy pn cucuk charger ke encet sy dan sy menunggu...kemudian sy tekan button power tuh....encet sy tanak charger cucuk kt ncet lg catu ok plak...oh no....ape jadik ng ncet bgtaw kak ti..kak ti kate battery kot ocak...dlu pn die jadik cmtu....jadi, sy pn transfer kn la sim card maxis sy ke phone lame sy tuh...jadik celcom kene off beberape ari...hehe...jaja plak ajak g mydin pas kelas ptg nnt, sy pn bercadang nk bli battery baru.....

lepas bli brg di mydin sy pn ke tmpat owg jual ncet pn citekn mclahnye...jadik laki tuh pn buh battery bru tp xon jugak....n then die bekate mebi battery tu die bubuh battery ncet die...(batter kami same...hehe..)....hah!!x on jugak...lame die try..x on jugak...jadi die kate..ncet ni ocak....leh tggal cni diowg repair n format balik sume....paling awal ari jumaat leh dtg pn tipon abah..abah kate mitak ari kamis cb ari jumaat sy nk lik johor....hoho.....jadik, sy pn bersetuju meninggalkn baby sy utk beberape ari....abihla sume bnde dlm tuh...cb ncet sy tade memory card..die build in cedey...bnyk kenangan di dlm....cedey2.....kene 80hengget...,tp nnt da ciap bru byr....hihi

sy keciwa ncet tuh pn xpaham kenape..adekah kalau sy xtertekan button off tuh die akan ok lg....???sy konpius...kenape secare ttbe???pdhal cblum tuh sy tgh mcg2 ng kawan sy....=( xmitak pn die ade certain owg kate sy cje je wt cmtu cb nk ncet xtepikir pn nk encet bru...klu sy nk ncet bru, sy xkn anta kedai g buang ke tgh laut ke, tgh jln ke...dlm longkang ke....ingt sume owg cntiace nk ncet baru ke????sy setia pd ncet sy tu.....yg sy idam2 kn..mctla cyg banyak....jgn wat spekulasi cndrik ye sume..........harap maklum....=)

begitu la citenye....pic die pn tade..nnt kalau die da upload pic die....hehe...

k..nk tido..camat cahur....camat poce..


p/s: jumaat ni nk lik johor...weeeee.....tket xbli g..muehhehe...

Monday, August 9, 2010

|sundae sunday =D|

ello....o_O baru je lik dr wat class pkul 2 plak....mengantuk nih tp xnak tdo..nnt lg susa nk xsabar nk cite ape yg jadik ari ahad cmlm...memandangkn cmlm sy ade kije yg perlu diciapkn, jadik sy postpone la ari ni bru sy cite.....cmlm sy tdo pkul 4 lbih nk menyiap kije tuh...padan muke sy cb wat last minit..ari ni nk submit..hehe..lecturer da bg 2 mggu da tp xwat..ekkeke..bukan sy cowg je...satu umah cmtu....ekeke....

cmlm ahad kn....kami sume pegi pesta konvo la..mek jaja nk jmpe 'member' die cb owg tuh grad cmlm....mek jaja cun wooo cmlm..ayu berbaju kurung..hehe...lepas reyha ng myn anta jaja kt family 'member' kt dewan besar, ktorg pn pegi pesta konvo....apan da tggu kt cne....apan kuar cb myn suke mengusik dowg bg dowg malu2...kuikuikui...time tu ade battle of the band...hohoh...ade yg cdap ok la..ade tuh yg xcdap....cakit tinge dgr..cmpy ujan trun ng lebatnye...hehe...kami pn berteduh bwh khemah owg jual2 bunge...kebetulan kami mmg nk bli bunge...jaja suh reyha blikn cb nk bg kt 'member' plih kaler pink2 cb taw jaja cke pink..kuikuikui...pastu sy tnampk kwn sy time diploma die adli..die dtg ng kakak die cb abag die pn grad cenyum dr jauh je la....pas ujan da redam reyha ng myn ng apan pn pegi anta bunge kt ng kak ti tgk battle of the nk bejalan...hehe..

xlame pastu, diowg pn dtg balik..reyha da lapa...kami pn pegi mkn nacik ayam kt satu gerai nih....sume makan nacik ayam....bolehla tahan....bile nk byr, apan belanje kami sume...wah..wah..wah...mekacih apan....apan nk belanje myn je tu tp da alang2, kene la belanje sume...ekekeke...jaja jeles cb apan xblanje die mkn jugak...hehe...apan kalau nk tackle myn, kene tackle kengkawan die ckali..muahahahaha.....(gelak jahat...ehhehe)....tgh lepak2 kt gerai tuh, nmpk la jaja ng 'member' seluruh ahli kuarge die bejalan dr dewan besar ke arah tapak pesta konvo....rupenye diowg g booth amik gmbar tu....ktowg pn tggu la jaja kt bwh khemah lain....pastu cmpat la jugak sy jmpe due owg bdk kelas sy yg grad cmlm...oboh ng wan syauqi.....coki ng aswan sy anta mcg je ckp congrats....

lepas jaja da abih beramah mesra ng fmly 'member'...(kire jadi la nih....kene pikir nk tema kaler ape...ehhe....)....jaja pn dtg kt ktorg...pastu ktorg decide nk pegi jom heboh.....ajak apan pegi ckali tp apan kate die ade kami berlime pn pegi la....punye la rmy owg kt first time sy pegi jom heboh cb sy xberape gemar pi tmpat rmy jadik takut....hehehe....lepas bersesak2 kat satu tmpat tuh, kami pn nmpak umah hantu..myn ng reyha n jaja bersemangat nk macuk...kak ti plak awl2 ckp tgh konpius nk mcuk ke last ckali, sy pn ikut..neves jugak cb ni first time mcuk umah bukak cpek, rabun2 tade la tkut cgt pgang tgn jaja pastu pgg baju reyha...hehe...pastu sy ttup pn tataw ape yg ade dlm tu..seingat sy, sy tgk satu je antu...toyol ijau yg pendek tuh...hehe..yg lain sy xtgk...owg len jerit, sy tumpang jerit walaupn sy xnmpk...hehehe...adoila....byr tiket 2 gune 2pocen je...hehe...

lepas jln2, bli mknan ng mnuman, kami pn balik cb da sume cakit kpale....cmpy je kt umah dlm pkul 4, sume kene tembak....kepenatan....hehe...ouh..ouh..mase otw nk g jom heboh tu, ade konvoi bmw lalu dpn ktorg...wooohohohohooho...kami yg kt dlm kete ni bersorak2 cb kete2 tu lalu...haish..bile la nk pky kete 
cmtu ye......heheehe....(pasang angan2...hehehehe)...

tu la citenye...conok bejalan cmpy kije pn wat lmbat...hehe...

k la...mlm ni cite len plak tp maybe xcmpat cb nk ciapkn report lab td....jmpe cok la plak....hehe..=)



Saturday, August 7, 2010

|sabtu bersame ibu n abah|


hehe...ari ni sy bgun kagum ng diri sy...hehe

sy xtros mengadap lappy cmbil bce cite bicara hati....myn bg yg dlm bntuk pdf...hehe

tgh bace2 cmbil lyn lagu..ttbe henpon sy berbunyik...



"kak long ade kt mane tu??"

"kak long ade kt umah la..."

"da mandi ke blom?"


"ibu da masuk smpadan melaka ni..mandi la..nnt nk kuar...."

"okeh..kak long mandi kejap je....ehhehe"


sy pn bingkas bgun dan segera mandi....

bile mereka da cmpy, kami pn pegi makan kt tomyam klasik...

lepas makan, pegi bli brg di mydin...ohohoh..pegi mydin beli brg la...

sblum balik, dftar SPR...diowg bukak booth kt pintu masuk mydin tuh...

nnt sy da boleh mengundi...adekah anda sudah mendaftar???

lepas tu, kami pn balik...

lepas salam2, abah pn meneruskan perjalanannye pulang ke gelang patah...

abah ng ibu dr shah alam pagi ari rabu ari tuh mak sedare masuk tu diowg pegi....

sy pn meneruskan pembacaan cite sy sampai la abih..

kemudian sy join bebudak umah sy main badminton kt pdg sblh ni...

abih main, pegi makan kt omarsh mkn oti jala....

mlm ni sepatutnye cik jaja da tido...hehe..

xjadik la nmpknye....mari la kite wat kije...



|kenape bdk garang|

ade owg tny knp sy pggl die bdk garang...


cb dlu cblum kenal, die mcm garang je...muke die pn garang jugak bile die xcenyum...hehe

cb tu sy pggl die bdk garang...hehe

cekian..time kacih...

|cause i'm ur lady|


tgh2 layan lagu yg ade dlm playlist ni..ttbe lagu the power of love -  celine dion plak kuar...syok jgk layan lagu ni tgh2 mlm cmni...mud nk romantik2 je...hehe...meh kite hayati lirik, lagu ni song of the night....

The whispers in the morning 
Of lovers sleeping tight 
Are rolling like thunder now 
As I look in your eyes 

I hold on to your body 
And feel each move you make 
Your voice is warm and tender 
A love that I could not forsake 

'Cause I am your lady 
And you are my man 
Whenever you reach for me 
I'll do all that I can 

Lost is how I'm feeling lying in your arms 
When the world outside's too 
Much to take 
That all ends when I'm with you 

Even though there may be times 
It seems I'm far away 
Never wonder where I am 
'Cause I am always by your side 

'Cause I am your lady 
And you are my man 
Whenever you reach for me 
I'll do all that I can 

We're heading for something 
Somewhere I've never been 
Sometimes I am frightened 
But I'm ready to learn 
Of the power of love 

The sound of your heart beating 
Made it clear 
Suddenly the feeling that I can't go on 
Is light years away 

Friday, August 6, 2010

|sy kenal bdk garang sy|


td sy tbace satu entry ni kt blog seseorg bace cmpy abih pastu sy berangan cowg2....ttbe sy teringat kt bdk garang sy...die tgh kije time ni....die kije mlm ckrg...mggu dpn die kije pagi pulak....time2 die kije mlm ni la sy rindu die bnyk plak...haish ain nih..xkene timing...hehe....time die rehat, sy kacau la die..kdg2 die curik2 msg gak....cmpy la sy ttdo...=)

sy rs sy da kenal bdk garang sy wlaupn sy kenal die bru 2 die suke sorok2 cite dr plak malu nk korek cite dr die....jadi, sy xtaw bnyk cgt kot psl cmne pn sy anggap sy kenal die la...sebanyak mane sy taw pasal die, sebanyak tu la sy kenal die...^_^

misteri2 die wat sy suke die...hikhik...(blushing da....)...biar die ng care suke die cb die dri die...n bukannye ade cb tertentu...o_O...

sy pn tataw nape sy wat entry nih....pointless...hehe...

sy kenal bdk garang rindu die...

okeh, da leh ctop..jom tido..




Thursday, August 5, 2010

|time to sleep|


mate da mengantuk..

da ckup rasenye study nih..

kite tawakkal la ek...hehe...

so, nite2 peeps!!!

till then...tata....


p/s: rindu ibu ng abah.....

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

|life as a 3rd year student|


=)...lately i've been very busy....with the reports, assignments, tutorials and projects coming on....hohoh....

i barely had time to update my bloggy....just about 2 days ago i finally can use my phone to access to the i only have time to update my bloggy before i sleep (in the sleepy condition...heheh)....very short n simple entry....hehe...

i have 2 quizzes tomorrow...thermo 2 and mcD.....aiya.....

well, till then...i have so many juicy gossips but then i have to find the right time to gossiping with all of u...

ngee~...till then...


|missing u|

in the mood of happiness...

I really miss u....

N he said...
'miss u too'

up high in the air...

Hehe..nite2 peeps...dun forget to tell ur loved ones that u luv them n miss them a lot...

Till then..tata..


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

|bad ending|


The last message for the day was not a very happy ending but a very bad ending 4 both of us...
Sorry for being so emotional...
Sorry for being a very serious person...
Sorry 4 everything...

Nite2 peeps!
Cwit drims...

Monday, August 2, 2010

|awesome weekend|


so, ari sabtu sy duk umah je la..duk tgk muvie....pastu, bdk garang ckp die nk dtg dlm pkul 3...nk amik die punye external pn cpt2 mandi pastu pn neves jugak cb die nk dtg umah bukan la naik masuk umah, duk bwh je la...suh die carik blok D...hehe....mase die da cmpy, sy ckp kt ibu nk trun jap jumpe kawan....ibu tkejut n berkate..."kak long ade kawan kt sini??" tercenyum2 ckp ckp la kwn sy kje kt cni..hehe...kebetulan plak, abah tade kt umah tghari tuh...kkekekekeke...(ain gatal...)...hehe...dlm 30 mnit gk la sy suk kt bwh...cmbang2...tade sy rase ibu mengintai la ikot tgkap kdudukan kami tu leh nmpk dr umah xkot...cb mase sy trun ke bwh, ibu tgh menjahit kt blik sy pn menyedapkn ati sy, ibu xmgintai...bile sy naik umah, sy tgk ibu da ade dpn tu duk sblh ng tgkap yg leh mgintai ke bawah....haish....bdebar2 sy tp sy wat biase je lg..ibu pn xtny tgh sy tgk cite avatar, ttbe ibu tny kawan tu kawan utem ke kawan ckpla kawan utem...hehe....tu je la soalannye..hihi...

petang tu, sy ng ibu g amik cikin kt jusco bukit indah...die teman kwn die g shopping raye ng ayah budak die xbli pape pn cb die tade duwet...hehe...mlm tu plak die kuar ng kwn die g cowg  g tgk pertandingan band kt nusajaya....mak kawan die yg bawakkan...kami xdpt pegi cb abah xlik g..dlm 8 lebih dkt kul 9 bru abah cmpy umah....lepas abah da mandi, sy dpt la mkn nacik lemak yg sy idam2 kn...cedap2....mkn ng ayam, ikan bilis n cmbal cikit...hehe...pedas la cmbal tuh...hehe....cikin ciap pesan tgglkn nacik lemak utk die....cikin lik lmbat...dkt pkul 1 bru cmpy umah cb mak kawan die bwk g minum2 dlu....mlm tu ktorg tdo pkul 3 lebih...hehehe

pastu ari ahad plak, dlm pkul 11 da mkn tghari cb nk kuar dr umah dlm pkul 2....tiket bas sy xbli g n nk g carik kcut ckolah bru utk cikin....pas zohor ktorg kuar..nk carik kedai BATA...haish susah jugak cb tataw kt mne nk carik..merata tmpat kami pegi n time tu da dkt pkul 4 da....cikin tu budak bertuah..bukannye nk tny kawan2 die...abah plak yg call kawan abah tny mne ade kedai kcut....bile da kalut2 bru cikin tny kwn die n kebetulan kwn die pn bru je pas bli kcut..die kate kat larkin..ha, cantikla pn xbli tket g....ingt nk balik kul 4.30 tp  ade pkul 5.30 je...pas beli, g carik kacut cikin plak...kawan die tu tggu kt larkin n tnjukkan kedai kcut tuh...pas solat, kami pegi kt kete lik cb nk amik beg...dlm 5.20 sy pn pegi kt bas...berlari2 cb ujan rintik2 n kete plak xleh lame bhenti tpi jln..polis tu suh plak geram..nk trunkan sy je pn...xsabor2 la polis tuh....geram2....salam ng ibu abah pn kelam kabut....geram..geram...geram....bile da cmpy kt bas, sy pn trus dduk n tdo....cejuk dlm bas..da la aircond kuat, ujan plak tuh...hehe....menggigil dlm camat cmpy melaka dlm kul 8.30mlm...pastuh nek bas tuah plak nk lik ke pgsapuri....pkul 9 lebih bru bas tuh jln...mce dlm bas tu da tcengguk2 da cb mengantuk...hehe...dkt2 kul 10 bru cmpy conok cb ketibaan sy diumah disambut oleh cik reyha n cik jaja...mereka rindukn saye...hehe...kak ti n myn tu cool je, duk diam sy taw, dlm ati dowg rindukan saye...ngehngehngeh....hehehe....

rasenye da ckup pjg cite lgkap sy utk ari sabtu n ahad...

till then, tata..


|2nd award|


sy dpt award dr cik jaja....wee...thanx to miss jaja for awarding me with the bestes blog until everever....hehe... xmengalir air, mari kite menjawab soalannye....

teng teng teng...


ok...cik jaja adelah cowg senior yg baik ati n comey...die cgt2 tidak kedekut n menghulurkn bantuan kepade owg yg memerlukan...die rajin mandi pagi2 utk mengelakkan drpd berebut bilik kagum dgn ketangkasan dan kecekalan die menahan air yg cejuk pd waktu pagi....=) cyg cenior sy, cik jaja....thanx...mmuahh2...hehe


sepuluh blogger yg sy pilih eh....

sy da tataw da nk tag sape...4 je la dlu...hehe



sy pn tataw cmne sy leh dpt award sy cgt2 beterime kacih pd cik jaja cb memberikan kepercayaan kepada sy dgn memberi award tulis ape yg sy jujur dicini, agaknye cb tu blog ni jadik best...hehe...n hrp2 dr cite2 sy tulis nih owg ramai dpt mengenali sy...=)..

sekian, terime kacih....
