Wednesday, March 17, 2010


...ello....hehee...nk taw cite x???hehe...

sy kn g kelas nek moto ng kak ti...minah rempit la katekn...ekekek....cmlm, lps bli nacik kt makcik...kak ti je yg beli...ehhe...nk gerak lik la...ttbe, sy pn tataw senget, n then...jatuh...wah..wah...wah..atas jln raye tgn je luke...xtruk kn tough...bak kate bdk garang...hehe..kak ti, luke lutut ckit...suar die koyak...da la baru bli sem nih...eheh..cian kak ti...da buh minyak gamat...ok la....insyaallah ok by the time lik jmaat nih...hehe..bru la rock...ehhehe...

td, sy g bli tket nk lik jmaat ajk frh pegi...then, kami g jusco baru...survey cpek kn nk wt cpek baru..nk full frame...n then dak nerd jek...kuikuikui...kaler itam kot...tataw la lg cmne...yg pasti, contact lense xleh..mate sy xleh bukak luas2 la...hehe...

sy kene kire2 duwet..kene ikat perut...leh diet ckali kn...xleh mkn da ctart cok...nk cmpan duwet bli purse baru utk ibu...adiah birthday ibu....bdk garang bulan 5....ibu bulan 4...haish....usehe tgge kejayaan..demi owg yg cgt hepy bile wt kptusan nk owg yg sy syg bhagie...ouh tlupe, birthday adk sy bulan 3 nih..ape nk bli kt die???bajet da lari..kekeke...postpone taun dpn la...ehehehe..g pn, da tataw nk bli ape...blanje secret rcipe da la...blanje mkn...die kn cke mkn...hehe..mcm kakak die...huh, ptutpn kami nye bdn comey cgt...hehe..kurus3....!!nk ikat perut nih, hrp2 dpt la trunkn brt bdn ckit...waaaaaaaaaaaaa.....azam sy..nk trun brt bdn...hehe...nk..nk..nk...tlg saye...ehehe...

sy da la tade income tmbahan...mne nk cekau duwet nih...ingt nk save duwet bulan nih, da tgune bnyk jgk...ish2..ain..ain...susah tol nk cmpan activity,tgh ym ng bdk garang...hikhikhik...n, sy gune wifi streamyx umah sewa frh..dpt la satu bar...hehe..thanx to frh...dpt sy lepas rndu tgk muke bdk garang..kami ber'webcam' bahagienye....eheheh...

k yek...later....nk cmbung ym ng bdk garang...ekekeke...


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