Tuesday, March 30, 2010

...tlg saye ye...

...sy pn tjmpe bnde ni kt blog owg len....search engine baru....MyLook....search engine nih bg duwet...mcm xcaye je kn..sume nk bg duwet...hehe...cng je nk join....

  • email
  • password

pastu da sign up...da leh dpt duwet....maximum sehari adelah 5 search utk yg dibayar la..lbih dr tu da xbg duwet...tp, ok la kn..sape nk bg duwet cng2...ehheh...nk try????


venue: computer lab, PBPI...

hehe...tgh kelas techcom...ade komputer cbjik dpn mate..hehe..cmpat lg blogwalking..tp xsume blog leh tgglkn jejak cb agknye pc nih lame pny..die xkuar lak shoutmix box dowg tuh...eheh...k la..tu je nk gtaw..dlm kelas.....kuikuikui...daaa....


Monday, March 29, 2010



ari ni..ape cite ye...oo ya...got class at 0900...suprisingly...not sleepy at all during DR. Fahmi's class...hohoho....kuat mate nih..kak ti je yg tlentok2...hehe...bdk2 laki, xyah ckp le...kuikuikui....pastu..tghari lik....duk blogwalking je...tade wt ape pn...then ptg g kelas numerical methods...da dpt markah utk test ari tuh...alhamdulillah....sy hepy...hehe..wink2!!!pastu tade ape da...ari ni tade cite cgt pn....pasni nk print solution tutorial machine, pastu ctudy bnde tuh...hehe..cok cng p kls tutorial machine, da taw da jwpn...ngeh2!!!hehehe...

sy td dinner ng cik FARAH...mkn nacik goreng cine + 2 telur dadar...erk?????mule mtak ctu je..tp tggu frh nye kueh teow kgfu cmpy lmbat...kn da abih tlur sy...tpkce mitak g catu...hehhe..

ckrg sy gune broadband frh...die cke bg sy broadband die....ehehe...sy pn mnerime ng tgn yg tbuke...ehhee...tenkiu....

so, tu je kot...jom blogjogging lak...ehhehe....



sy terharu cb sy da dpt tgk income utk mggu lps...ekekek..terharunye...not bad for a first timer..kuikuikui....kmpul2 lagik...nnt kn nk blanje cik farah mkn...wee..usehe tgge kejayaan...ehehe....tu je nk cite...hehe....


Sunday, March 28, 2010


hehe...busan melande jiwe (ni ade la warne busan.hehe)...eheh..

ade kije..tp tataw nk ctart cmne, wt yg mane...nk ctudy???lg la tamaw...eehehe...da kul 6....haish..ape nk wt...

ari ni breakfast + lunch = koko crunch..hehe..knyg da...tp tataw la kot2 mlm kang nk g mkn kt kafe....klau thp kerajinan sy meningkat la...sy rase nk bermalas-malasan di blik je ari ni...hehe...

encik epul g memancing besame2 rakannye...dan sudah pastinye sy dtggalkn..ehhe....pagi td die g kebun....sy xikut cb sy tido...klu sy bgun pn, bukannye sy leh ikut...die di n9..sy di melake...hehe..die leh jadik pekebun yg bejaye...hehe...

cik farah plak tgh tdo kot..td katenye nk tido..pagi td die g jejalan ng mama n apak nye...die memakai baju baru...hehe...peewiit!!!hehe...

sy???duk dlm blik mgadap lappy dr td....rumate sy iaitu syira ade di luar blik smbil wat 'report' die...hehehe...report = ym...heheeh....td tghari die g cucuk duwet n balik die bli kfc...mmgidam kfc lak ttbe...hehe...umai plak ade dlm blik die..tataw wt pe...lg 3 housemate sy, sy tataw dowg wtpe n xamik taw...ekekek...

tu je la..daa...busan..busan...


current mood: gembire cgt2....!!!

smlm sy lupe nk cite...lik2 je trus mandi then tido...eheheh...nk taw cite??ehhe...


kn sy ckp sy mnggu kn..cbnarnye, die da on the way pn...bnyk msg die anta kt sy tp stu pn sy xdpt...last ckali sy da pnat mnggu, sy anta msg kt die sy ckp nk tdo...ttbe die call, die tny "xdpt msg lgsg ke??"..sy mst la jwb "xde.."...hehe...die da nk smpy pn time tuh..ape lg..kelam kabut la sy nk mandi n bciap...tgh nk lilit2 slendang tuh, die da cmpy kt bwh....tggu je la kejap..sy xciap g nih...eheh...da trun bwh, sy da nmpk die ats moto tggu bwh pkok..tp sy nek atas balik cb ttgl encet....eheh...lps die parked die pny moto, sy pn suh die drive...die tanak cb die kate die xpnah bwk auto...sy ckp sy xpky cpek...eheh..nk tak nak, die kne drive...sy da mcm ckgu ckolah mmandu ajar die...lame2 die ok....tp kaki die acik nk tkan clutch je...heheh..kn da ckp cng..die yg degil..hehe...

mule2 kami pegi dp (dataran pahlawan)...g bli tket muvie dlu...sy kn nk tgk alice in wonderland kn..ehehe...dpt jgk...kuikuikui...show pkul 3.45...kami pny seat, hmm...kt dpn2 la jugak...tp sb nk tgk pnya psl...die kate xpe...time tu bru kul 2...kami pn g mkn kt mc d...mkn fries ng mnum air je...die kate da knyg...so, sy suh die amik plastik cb nk cmpan beger tu..pastu nk g kat kete lik..die ttgal ncet dlm kete..nk taw x..kete tu parking kat bhgn ujung barat...mcd ni bhgn ujung timur...jauhnye nk jln...by the time patah balik, da lapar balik..die kate, xcercise....hehe..geram sy...time tu da kul 3.10 kot...sy kn xbrape nk cihat, sy pn tggu die kt taman cblh dp tuh...die pn g kt kete..pastu tgh syok dduk bwh pkok, die lapa plak..nk mkn bege..da kami berpiknik plak kt bwh pkok tuh (romantik2!!hehe)....die kate, mkn kt cni la..kn cke romantik2 ni...eheh..mkn cpt2....rushing plak g dp lik..movie da nk ctart nih...adoih...

tgk yg 3d pny...die ckp die pning..hehe..cian die...sy xpening cb sy g tough dr die...hehe..lps abih muvie,die g solat...pastu ktowg pn tataw nk kemane...die ckp die xpnah g mydin...waa..conok la sy..trus ilang cakit perut..hehe....asal nk g mydin je hepy je...hehe...nk g carik suar tdo tp bile da cmpy cne..tade plak...die nk mkn kt kdy ari buah tp kami ctill knyg...hehe...then, g kdy photostat cb nk photostat ic ng lesen...then g lepak kt mbmb...da lme x g citu...mghabiskn mce ng bcembang n bbncang isu negare...hehe...dlm 9.45, sy call owner kete cb nk anta kete...tp mcuk voicemail...2,3 kali call xdpt...anta msg pn xbebalas...bgtaw kt frh, frh pn try call xdpt...jadik sy decide, sy bwk lik je dlu kete tuh...nnt klu owg tu dpt msg sy, mst owg tuh cntact sy kn...tp frh kate die nk g anta jgk cb die taw umah owg tuh n die rce cerba clh...cmpy ostel dlm kul 11, frh trus nk g...sy pn da klam kbut tuh...sy cuh epul balik....bile die da atas mto, sy babai encik epul dr dlm kete je...die pn da lwt nk lik umah die jauh....cedey plak sy tpkce abihkn ari sy yg indah dgn keadaan mcm tu..slhkn pkck kete tuh..hehe...ncet pkcik tu abih battery rupenye...dlm kul 11.30 sy pn cmpy umah...sy trus mandi.n tdo...hehe...

apepn, sy cgt2 hepy cmlm wlaupn mcm2 blaku..hehe...da lame sy xwat cmtu..die kn jauh....susah nk jmpe...hehe...sy cgt mghargai ctiap mase yg ade bile sy ng die...hihi..malu lak sy...hehe...sy tade pn pic ng die...cmlm die nk amik pic ktowg bdue...tp sy malu..last ckali, tade la...hehe...len kali la plak...ehehe...

tu la cite sy..berakhir da sbuah cite yg bukan rekaan tp yg benar2...eheh...sy cgt hepy...ckrg nk g wat kije lak..hehe..


Saturday, March 27, 2010

ari ni dan semalam....

hehe..salam...cmlm bz...xupdate pn...pastu nk blogwalking pn xcmpat..pjg cite cmlm ng ari cblumnye...hehe...tenet xbrape ok..tu yg jrg online....kite cite pcl cmlm la ek...


kls pagi kul 8 sy xpegi cb tlewat bgun..sy bgun sbuh kul 6.15 pastu set alarm nk bgun kul 7.20 lak....alarm tu bebunyik tp pastu sy turn off...eheh...bile tejage, da kul 8.08...hah..alamak...kak ti...anta 2 msg kt kak ti ckp bru tbgun n sorry die ttggu2....pastu myn ckp, jaja pn x g kelas..nnt kul 9 dowg nk amik jaja plak utk kls thermo..sy pn ckp la nk tumpang kul 9 tuh...sy siap2, then 8.45 sy tggu...9.05 bru la myn n reyha cmpy...ktowg pn p kelas..lik dr kelas, g mkn kat r&r blkg cubic tu...mkn nacik, cndawan gorg tpung ng kentang...eheh...my fevret...hehe...n dpt air the o ais fwee....kedai tu ctiap ari jmaat bg air fwee kt customer die....then balik, sy bork2 ng mai n syira..then tdo kjap..kul 2.30 bgun nk g kelas kul 3...sy rase cakit perut da..tp sy abaikn je...bile atas moto otw ke kls, cakit perut yg mlampau2 pn dtg...cmpy je kat kls, sy xcng dduk...sy cgt2 xcleca....jaja pn suh sy g baring kt surau...sy pn g tdo kejap....then nk balik, diowg dtg pggl...da ok cket perutnye...pastu sy da janji ng farah nk kuar kn...cmne pn, kne tunaikn janji...bdk garang ckp xpyh ikut klu xlarat..tp sy da janji..sy akn tunaikn...alhamdulillah, perut ok mase kuar....

cite cedeynye, kami tggu bas nk g melaka mall...nk g tgk wyg..3 bas lalu,sume xpegi...keciwa nye..last ckali, ade la catu tekci ni lalu..mitak antakan.pakcik tu da nk balik tp die amik gk ktowg...tenkiu pkcik...eheheh...cmpy melaka mall kul 8...g bli tket...g mkn..then ronda2 carik baju...da dpt...da lame nk...ehehe...pastu trus g tgk wyg...cite train ur dragon...cgt2 cgt2 cgt2 besh...xrugi tgk...eheh..cuke cgt...eheheh...abih muvie, kami pn lik...

sesampainye sy di umah, sy tnjuk kat syira bju baru...pastu die ckp..cmne nk pky, bnde ni ade....erk...tag yg magnet kt baju tuh diowg xcabut....sy...keciwa....cmne nk cabut..magnet die kuat....sy da down cgt2....da ckp kt frh, bdk garang..kantoi lak bli baju bru cb nk jmpe die...hehe...sy ade sewa kete utk ari sbtu jadi sy mitak la kt tuan pny kete nk amik awl cket...nk g cabut bnde tag tu la..ckali die kate die xleh bg cb kete wt hal nk g servis...nk sy bg no laen???sy mcm...hah??what the fish...sy just kate ok je...pastu frh ckp patutnye budak tu yg carikkn cb die da janji...da la xinform awl2...sy cgt2 by da bengang...bju pn prob..kete pn tade...sy da tade mud nk kuar...adoila...last ckali frh yg carikkn kete sewa n tenangkn sy...pagi2 nk g melaka mall tuh...baju pn da bsuh da...eheh...

ari ni...

tggu kt bus stop nk amik kete...tp sy cbnrnye da serba slh cb mama farah nk dtg...die kate die nk temankn g melake mall....sy nk ckp, xpe la..xyah la ikut..mama die da cmpy..tp sy xtecakap...last ckali, sy pegi cowg pn...die kene ikut mama die jgk...ade hal urgent tuh..sy rce serba salah kt frh..sy letakkn die dlm situasi yg xbetul...mitak maaf ye frh...da bnyk die tlg sy...sy mmpu ckp tenkiu n sorry je...sy tataw nk ckp ape da...sy mitak maaf ye....untg sy dpt kwn mcm farah..jgn jeles sume...hehe..sb tu sy lap farah...hehehe...

tggu bdk garang dtg je...kul brape pn tah la...cilap2 xbgun tido g..haish...die ckp nk dtg awal...sy tggu je la...tp satu msg pn tade g....mnggu je la...hehe...

nnt ape jadik..sy cite balik mlm nnt..ehhe..


p/s: pjg la entry kali ni..cowie...eheh..

Thursday, March 25, 2010

[da selesai]

weee...wink2!!settle bab test....alhamdulillah..lega ati sy....test td???ok la...hehe...insyaallah ok...ehehe...ape nk mbebel kt cni mlm nih....oooo..a.de kije x wt g..report control...ehehheeh...lg catu, baju dlm baldi...ehhe..jap g nk bcuh...eehehe...tu je kot kije mlm ni...cok ade kls kul 8....ptg pn ade jgk...da lme x g mydin..bile nk g ye...rce cok mcm nk ajk cik FARAH g tgk wyg je...xpn jejalan je...g chopping bju bru...ngeee....ade la cb nye..kuikuikui...adekah FARAH sudi??tp ni prancangan je...eheheh...

k la...nk g wt kije dlu..nnt2 nk blog crawling lak..ngee...o_O


[jom g jalan]

wink2!!!ehehehe...jom g test...eheh...gambatte ainazu chan....hait!!!hehehe....

sy hepy nk g jwb test...eheh..xsabar2 nk abihkn kekacauan di jiwe nih...ehehe...


[i'm in luv]

hehehe..tade kaitan pn..actually nk ckp....i'm in heaven...wawaawaw...cb kelas thermo ptg ni cncel..encik zaid nih cm phm2 je kn...weee...leh ctudy lg...wink2!!!....tu je...babai...hehee...

|vibration oh vibration|

kenape ng vibration???kelas pagi nih sy ponteng...eheh...cbbnye, sy xabih g ctudy machine...cmlm tido je kije..cb tu xcmpt nk ctudy...tpkce melukekn ati encik ridhwan yg encem tuh...ekekeke....mct die rndu sy nnt..xpe..mggu dpn kite jmpe...hikhikhik...

bnyk ke ckit g xctudy...sy pn xsure...sy ni mcm memain je...ehehe..ptg ni ade kelas thermo....nk pegi ke x ye????bpkir2 g nih..mcm nk pegi...kcian encik zaid nnt klu sy xpegi...hehe..kurg ctudent die yg berdedikasi cm sy nih...heehe....k la...continue ctudying.....daa..


[bru setengah jam]

da mengantuk balik...huwaa...bru wt 4 soalan tutorial 1....waaaaaaaaaaa.....mate xtahan da.....


ape yg ingin sy nyatakan disini....sy nk tido lg la...ehehe...nnt pas subuh, jgn tido da...

ain buleh3....eheh!!!....gambatte ainazu chan....ehhe!!

p/s: nk mmpi soalan test....tlg2 kuar...ehehe....

1st award....weee..

7 things about ain...

  1. anak sulung dr 2 beradik...ehhe...
  2. suke tido (da ternyata pn..eheh...)
  3. sy ni pemalu orgnye....
  4. suke warne biru kot....ehhehe....
  5. suke wt bunyik yg plik2....(ni kwn2 yg ckp...hehe..)
  6. klau balik umah naik bas, mct bwk bantal ckali cb nk pluk dlm bas...ehhe...
  7. sy suke study last minit....(mcm ckrg....cmpt g wat bnde nih...hehe...)


cehs...nk bgun kul 12.30..tersasar kul 3...xctart ctudy g...gile!!!!..mmg ponteng la kls pagi cok neh....huwaaa..manusie2 yg btggugjwb utk kejut kn sy xmenjalankn tugas mereka ng baek....xpela....o_O....

jom study tutorial 1,4,5....adeyh...bnyk tuh....huwaaaa.....

tade pn mmpi soalan test.....keciwa...keciwa...

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

|mechanics of machine|

hehe..ptg td da setel test numerical methods...ermmm..mcmane ye..leh la kot..yg ctudy beriya2 tuh xde rupenye...yg xctudy tu yg ade...xleh pky hint Dr. Zahir neh......dush2!!heehhe....tp ok la....pn hidayah yg jage kelas ktowg time test td baik ati...tny bnyk kali pn die xmrh...ehheheeh...die tlg je...maceh puan...heheeh....

ckrg kne ctudy utk test machine lak.....mlm cok...tp ckrg...mgantuk...nk tido dlu..nnt bru bgun ctudy..leh x????leh kn....hehe....chaiyok2 ain...ain buleh....wink2!!...ehehe..

n ouh, pd sesape yg follow n cggah2 tu...mekacih ye...cgt mghargai anda sume...klu sy xcmpat nk cggah n follow tu, mitak maaf ye...sy cibuk cket ckrg nih...tp insyaallah, sy cube sedaye upaye akn cggah di blog anda semue....blog hopping...ehhe....tenkiu ye sume...

k..time 2 cleep...cwit drims...

p/s: nk mmpi tgk soalan test machine cok...ehhehe...



jom g test..ehehehe..


morning..da abih ctudy 2chapter utk numerical...ehehehe..ckup la kot utk jwb test ptg cok...frh ajar care2 nk 'blog walking'...menambah pndapatan...ingtkn sy ye...bile sy da dpt 11hengget,sy nk blanje frh mkn...hehe...

da lewat, tp ctill xtdo g...kene tdo ni..kene..kene...kelas kul 8 pagi...kang thuyung hayang lak g kls...hehe...kul 7.15 kene lik umah, nk bciap g kelas...ouh ye, sy di umah frh..tido dcini...da lme xtdo cini...hehe...

k..nite2....camat bercrawling, walking, jumping, hopping, running n guling2...ehehe...daa..


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

|sy hepy|

now, i'm entering the phase of bz week...ehehe....this week n next week...

this week: 2 tests, 2 report control...

next week: presentation and submission of assignments...

actually, tadela bz cgt pn..caje je nk mem'bz' kn dri...cb tgguh2 kije...cmni la jd nye..hehe..lg 2 mggu je b4 final..waa..terujanye....btul ke pkataan tuh??ade gk yg teruja ng final kn...eheh...nnt study je spjg mase....pastu tdo pn xbtul..da tgk da jadual exam..alhamdulillah, ade gap antara satu2 paper....1st paper:control...weee...cntrol la otak kite..hehe..susah taw sbject nih...tp klu phm btul2...xsusa...tp tu la...xreti2 nk memahamkn bnde tu..sy ni pmlas owgnye...hehe...adoila...ain..ain...

oo ye...bdk garang blk umah die..ade kemungkinan, kami bertemu di melake....sy xdela menyatekn secara terus sy nk die dtg melake jmpe sy...sy pn malu jgk...hehe..tp, die phm kot cb cmlm die cuh sy carikkn tket wyg utk ari sbtu...sejak smlm cmpy ckrg, kami xdpt nk msg scr btul ttg ari sbtu tuh...mcm ni, smlm lps maghrb sy tido....pkul 10 lbih die call sb die ingtkn msg die anta xcmpy..rupe2 nye sy tdo...then sy tjage kul 12 die anta msg cuh carikkn nnt tket wyg ari sbtu...die nk tgk kl drift tu..wlaupn sy kurg gemar cite melayu yg racing2 dan ganas nih dan kurg pengajarannye....sy ikut je....hehe....sy sbnrnye nk ajk die tgk alice in wonderland 3d...xdpt nk tgk lg..tp die da nyatekn awl2 die nk tgk yg tuh...sy diamkn je la hasrat ati sy...balik pd cite td..bile sy bgun kul 1 lbih..die lak da tdo..ari ni pn xmsg lg..die msg, sy ade kelas...sy da lik, msg die..die ttdo...bile die msg sy kul 4.30 ptg td..sy lak tdo..bile sy bgun, anta msg...xde lak die bls...tido lg ke die???jadi, sy xdpt tntukn btul ke x ari sbtu nih...hehe...tp hrp cgt betul2 die dtg...(hoh...sound desperate lak....)hehe....rndula...hehe..

smlm die lik dr tganu ke umah die nek moto..die dr kemaman...4 jam je die bwk moto...sy xbg die bwk mto..tp die nk jgk..ye la encik epul...sy da nyatakn mcm2 alasan utk die tidak balik nek moto..tp ade je jwpn nye...sy pn berdoa je supaye pjalanan die selamat..alhamdulillah..die camat cmpy kul 4 ptg cmlm...hehe...die rempit tuh..hehe...

mlm ni kene study numerical methods..sok ptg test die...n thursday nite, test mechanic machine...pening2...hehe....mari kite study besame2 ye.....jom...nk solat..tlewat da...eheheh...daa...salam...

Monday, March 22, 2010


..bas pkul 5.30 td...xnk..xnk balik....

..breakfast = pizza..ganti cmlm...ehhe...

..lunch = nacik + ikan goreng + kuah sayur + kicap + ikan macin...

..kecuaian = bwk kunci umah dtg melake...

..resultnye = 10.50 abh ng ibu ng ckin ade kt dpn hostel...hehe..

..adoih...careless nye ain nih...sy ade kunci tu cb sy yg last kunci pntu umah..then, kalut2 da cb lmbt...tlupe pgg kunci....td pn da 5.28 cmpy kat larkin sentral tuh...hoh...da xleh wt cmtu...td ng hujan lebatnye..ade bas konsortium tbalik...tp mcm tade owg da td...tatawla time tuh da lame ke baru..tp time ibu dtg, bas tu bru berada di atas jln..cb ujan lebat..agknye tu kije tganggu...hehe....

..sy blanje ckin cake...xcmpt mkn..last ckali, dpt gk mkn cb di bwk ke melake jugak...hehe...

..adoihla...lawak lak rce nye...cian abah drive jaoh...i luv u abah....i luv u ibu....maafkn kak long yg careless nih...hehe....

..ckrg nih, wt vibration..xciap g..cmpt g posting...ekekke...pening2...daaa..

Sunday, March 21, 2010

|kemas umah...|

hehe..lupe lak nk update ari jmaat ng sbtu nye...hehe..ape pn, aktvtnye KEMAS UMAH la...hehe...umah tu memule xmcm umah..lps disental2 n dicuci2....ade la rupe umah da...nk guling2 kt dapur pn leh....ade la kegunaannye sy balik mggu nih...ehehe..adoih...kije xwat g....BTW, letrik umah tade g..haish.tggu ari isnin bru ade KOT..TNB wt kije lmbt..dr ari rabu dowg xdtg2 wat...tp xpe, umah tu cejuk je...wt kije tade kipas pn ok..tp mlm la begelap..tpkce tdo otel g..cian abah....susah ati die....tataw nk tlg cmne..tp sy cgt hepi dpt besame kuarge sy...hikhikhik...

cmlm birthday ckin...nk g mkn pizza..so,lps solat maghrib di umah dlm keadaan hampir gelap...kami ke town jb...nk tgk area sane mlm mggu...sy lalu kt tpi laut yg leh nmpk tambak johor n SINGAPORE!!!wahhh....x cgke sedekat tuh...seberang perai ng penang pn jaoh...heheh..nmpk screen besar singapore dr tpi jln....hehehe...abah ckp, dlm laut ni ade buaye tembaga....mcmane die leh sesat pn tataw...ehhe...mnakutkn.then g jb, ktowg g bazar jb kot..die pny tmpt cm rope walk ng jonker walk..mcm2 ada....karok..mkn..baju..kasut..beg....bnyk gile...me n my debab a.k.a cikin nk bli jam...nmpk mnarik2 walaupn murah...kami amik design yg same cume kaler je bebeza...cikin itam...sy putih....jam tu cgt besar utk sy tp sy nk jgk walaupn bukan style sy....(degil....)heheh...tp sy puas ati...bile da nk g mkn, jam da kul 10...pizza pn da nk ttup...hehe...xdpt la mkn pizza...otw lik, lalu danga bay..kami pn mkn kat area citu..name kdy yg ktowg mkn, Periuk Belanga....xpyh la g..mhl je..bkan cedap cgt...ehehe..tu pndapat sy la tp mee goreng mamak die ok kot...abah yg makan...heheeh....so, scr tuntasnye, xdpt la pizza....hhehe

ari ni sy lik kul 5.30....jap g pegi lg umah..ari2 kami pegi...da ctart suke umah tuh...nnt nk cat...nk tmbah2 ape yg patut...n ouh, da bli tv n fridge bru...eheh...lunch kat umah cmlm...cdapnye nacik ibu macak....hehe..lauk bli ye....hehehe...ari isnin, ckin akn g dftar ckolah bru....hehe..ok la...hope she's happy with it....hehe...taw die rndu kwn2 die n SGGS but then, she has to move on...hehe...k...ckup dlu...daaa....ciao...

Friday, March 19, 2010


...smlm sy cmpy larkin sentral pkul 10.45....lps tu fmly sy pn cmpy...hehehe...kt melaka ade melaka sentral and owg kt cne pggl die MC...cbnrnye sentral tu di eja ng uruf S bukannye uruf C tp tp pggl MC cb MS xcdp...hehe...so..larkin sentral...LC ke???mcm moto LC135 tuh...hehe...lps sy cmpy, fmly sypn cmpy..then balik...pg cggah ctecen mnyak..sy bli oti...btw, kami ctill tdo kt otel..umah bru tu letrik tade g pstu bcepahla ng brg bru cmpy cmlm...hehe....pagi ni, ktowg nk g kemas umah....actually, i'm a little bit impressed with myself cb lps solat suuh sy da xtdo n mgadap bloggy nih...hehe....nk cite kicah tragis cmlm mce nk nek bas...

...sy bli tket bas M..... S... utk flight ari jmaat pkul 7.45 mlm...then sy tukar jadi ari kamis tp still pkul 7.45 mlm...kls tutorial thermo cmlm abih awl n jaja offered herseld to send me to MC...then, i said ok la eventhough i malu2 kucing...i tot nk nek bas je g MC tp die kate xpe...sy pn ok..ehhe...g dlm 6.30....reyha pn pegi...jaja bli mcD n sy bli fries large je...ehhe....sy pn g duk surau lps diowg balik...tq korg....pastu sy solat..dlm 7.30, 7.35 sy g tggu bas...kat Platform 4...tp kat platform ade mmg ade bas tu tp ke Kota Bahru...sy pn mnggu dan mnggu kot2 die dtg lewat...tgk2 jam da 7.50 ke 7.55....sy ade g kaunter, tade sape di kaunter...ckali nmpk ade laki ih pky baju name bas tu....

sy: bas g JB kul 7.45 xdtg g ke?
laki: tah..da jln kot....(ng tade perasaannye...)
sy: sy tggu bas dr 7.30 lg..ade bas nih je...(merujuk kpd bas g KB tu)...

then sy dduk lik...ttbe laki td dtg cowg laki len...laki tu lbey taw ttg tket kot sb yg laki first sy tny tu drebar bas je...hehe...die tgk tket sy then die skp "sape kuarkn tiket nih"...trus ide blah mngglkn sy terpinga2...ehhe...ttbe die pggl sy lik, die bli kn sy tket bas K... plak....pkul 8 bas tu jln...sy tny kenape ng bas tu...die kate bas ni tade...aik...musykil sy....sy xphm cmne die leh jual tket pastu bas nye tade....hmmm...i'm ctill wondering...hehe...bas bru tu pk la..sy duk seat double tuh cowg2....sy conquer...wawawaaw...tp duk cblh emergency exit door...heheh...tp, alhamdulillah...sy camat cmpy LC...hehe...tu la cite tragisnye....ade bgusnye kite g tny kn..kalo x, menganga la sy..eheh...

i'll keep in posting about my new home n about JOHOR...hehe...ciao..

Thursday, March 18, 2010

|going home|

ckrg...pkul 5.37p.m..sy xmandi lg...haish..sy nk g bciap..bas kul 7.45 mlm...weee...ibu abh ckin...tggu kak long...hehehe...k...kwn2 sy jgn jeles ye sy lik lg mggu ni...hehehe...babai...

|budak garang|

ehhe...sy post blog nih cb encik bdk garang nk bace sy pny blog...sy tanak bg die bce tp die nk jgk...jadiknye...

camat membace....tp tade bnyk post pon....mase akn dtg, sy akn lbih aktif...hehehe....daaa...

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

saye xsuke

sy xsuke owg yg mlut cm longkang...mlut xde insurans...mlut xgune....i have exceeded my highest patience...sy taw sy gemuk...sy taw sy xcantik...xmacam budak pmpuan yg len...kurus2...klu brici cket pn cntik2 sume...sy xmcm tu..tp jgnla memalukn sy...sy taw sy ade kekurangan..xmcm pmpuan lain...sy cgt cdey...sy cgt kecik ati ng sgelintir manusie yg xsensitif ng perasaan owg len...

cite psl sy jtuh moto, rmy dak kelas taw..yg tny ok ke x, tu xpela...ade tu yg ckp..ni jtuh mst sb berat blkg...FYI, sy la yg duk blkg sb kak ti yg bwk moto....pastu die ckp lg...klau pndang kak ti dr depan, mcm kak ti pky jacket...sbnye sy besar dblakang....kecik x ati??klu pmpuan2 yg mempunyai mslh berat bdn..mst cgt sensitif...n yg tukang ckp tu, bdn nye pn BESAR jugak...bile sy ckp..alaaa b.., nk ckp owg pn tgk la diri sndri....pastu die ckp...alaaa...nk touching2 plak....pastu trus sy tade mud...ape mslhnye klu sy gemuk??sy kcau idop die ke???sy xde plak satu kumpulan esaimen atau lab ng die...klau ade pn kenape???kegemukan sy mganggu die nk wt kije ke???xsmgt die nk dtg kelas sb sy yg gemuk ni ade ke???sy taw die nk gergurau...tp bg sy, bnde tu da bukan lawak..sy da kecik ati n tesinggung ng kate2 die...ape yg perlu sy wat nk bg die sng ati n diam???

sy da menangis cmpy bgkak da mate sy....sy taw ni bukan penyelesaiannye..tp biarla sy menangis utk tenangkn ati sy...sy rase lega bile sy menangis wlaupn ianya satu pembaziran....pembaziran air mate..


...ello....hehee...nk taw cite x???hehe...

sy kn g kelas nek moto ng kak ti...minah rempit la katekn...ekekek....cmlm, lps bli nacik kt makcik...kak ti je yg beli...ehhe...nk gerak lik la...ttbe, sy pn tataw cmne...moto senget, n then...jatuh...wah..wah...wah..atas jln raye tuh...sy tgn je luke...xtruk pn...sy kn tough...bak kate bdk garang...hehe..kak ti, luke lutut ckit...suar die koyak...da la baru bli sem nih...eheh..cian kak ti...da buh minyak gamat...ok la....insyaallah ok by the time lik jmaat nih...hehe..bru la rock...ehhehe...

td, sy g bli tket nk lik jmaat nih...sy ajk frh pegi...then, kami g jusco baru...survey cpek jugak...sy kn nk wt cpek baru..nk full frame...n then plastic..cm dak nerd jek...kuikuikui...kaler itam kot...tataw la lg cmne...yg pasti, contact lense xleh..mate sy xleh bukak luas2 la...hehe...

sy kene kire2 duwet..kene ikat perut...leh diet ckali kn...xleh mkn da ctart cok...nk cmpan duwet bli purse baru utk ibu...adiah birthday ibu....bdk garang bulan 5....ibu bulan 4...haish....usehe tgge kejayaan..demi owg yg tcayang...ehehe...sy cgt hepy bile wt kptusan nih...sy nk owg yg sy syg bhagie...ouh tlupe, birthday adk sy bulan 3 nih..ape nk bli kt die???bajet da lari..kekeke...postpone taun dpn la...ehehehe..g pn, da tataw nk bli ape...blanje secret rcipe da la...blanje mkn...die kn cke mkn...hehe..mcm kakak die...huh, ptutpn kami nye bdn comey cgt...hehe..kurus3....!!nk ikat perut nih, hrp2 dpt la trunkn brt bdn ckit...waaaaaaaaaaaaa.....azam sy..nk trun brt bdn...hehe...nk..nk..nk...tlg saye...ehehe...

sy da la tade income tmbahan...mne nk cekau duwet nih...ingt nk save duwet bulan nih, da tgune bnyk jgk...ish2..ain..ain...susah tol nk cmpan duwet...hehe...ooo..current activity,tgh ym ng bdk garang...hikhikhik...n, sy gune wifi streamyx umah sewa frh..dpt la satu bar...hehe..thanx to frh...dpt sy lepas rndu tgk muke bdk garang..kami ber'webcam' ye...hehe....ooo bahagienye....eheheh...

k yek...later....nk cmbung ym ng bdk garang...ekekeke...


Sunday, March 14, 2010

|kecik ati|

...kdg2 kite kecik ati ng owg n owg kecik ati ng kite...sy scr xcngj da wat rumate sy kecik ati..kdg2, bnde yg kecik n simple tu la wt kawan kite kecik ati...sy pn tataw nk bdepan ng die cmne..tp alhamdulillah, sume da ok...sy bersyukur cgt....sy tanakla kami beselisih phm....ooo tidakkk..ehhe...oo..umai la tmpt sy mngadu n becerite...die la yg memujuk sy....hehe..cian die....

...ckrg, sy berada di JB....saje mlawat...cok ptg sy lik mlake lik...hehe...sy...jiwe kacau ckrg...mcm2 mganggu fikiran sy...sy clalu memikrkn kwn2 sy...sy syg sume kwn2 sy...kdg2, sy pkir ttg diowg lbeh dr dri sy....tp, kdg2 sy tlalu pkirkn diowg, diowg kdg2 abaikn sy...sy kcik ati....sy rase mcm tanak ade hbungan ng sape2...sy nk ng dri sy je..leh ke cmtuh???sy cgt kecik ati..ng sape2 yg tbabit la....sy cgt kecik ati...

Thursday, March 11, 2010

|bru ade mase|

ai...sy bru ade mase nk post blog...sy ni cibuk jugak...hehe...well, sy da xsabar nk tggu ari sbtu...weeeee....cb nk g jejalan...hehe...oo..ari selasa ari tuh sy ade test thermo...alhamdulillah, leh jawab....hehehe...ari ni tade ape cgt yg jadik...cmlm la......meh sy story...
cmlm, sy g tgk wyg ng jaja, kak ti, reyha n myn....da nk mcuk wyg, si sham nih call ckp kije xwat g...ari tu ckp da wat...ttbe xwat...buleh bygkn x btape bengangnye sy ng die....naseb bek sy xtinggi sore ng die...da la da pkul 10 bru gtaw..yg siang2 tanak ckp..klu taw xciap g, tade la sy n kak ti kuar bejalan2 makan angin....btw, kami tgk solomon kane...ganas2....jgn tgk...hehehe...sy pejam mate je....adoih la....bebalik pd cite sham tuh...sy just ckp, nnt sy pkirkn..nk tgk muvie pn da tade mud...haish.....lik dr muvie, sy call apan...sy begocip ng apan pcl sham..ekekek....tp pastu sy sedar, sy pn salah...sb xstart awl2..knape tggu die...tu silap sy.,..sy pn msg si sham nih mitak maaf...lega ati sy..klu x, serba salah jadiknye.,..bukan slh die cowg pn...cian die....so, settle la hal kami....hikhikhik....(bdk garang xjeles...tp die yg suh sy mitak maaf ng sham...n sy ade sejarah ng sham nih...die...x-bf sy time dip dlu...hehe..now, kami kawan je....)
ari ni presentation, jamal yg present....bile nk bg penilaian, sy nk buh sy ng kak ti NO PARTICIPATION AT ALL tp sham kate xyah la....kami sume sepakat pilih wat yg same....yg sy ingt huruf V je...tp tu bnde yg baik la...hehe..
mlm ni ade kelas numerical...nk g mkn..lapaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....k yek...later...daaaa....

Monday, March 8, 2010

|lelaki encem|

..hehe..lupe lak nk cite psl nih...mase test vibration ari tuh..lcturer tutorial kami...encik ridhwan...cgt2 cgt2 la encem....weeeee....cgt sweeeeeeeettttttttt bile die cnyum....bukn sy sorg je....sume bdk kelas pn ckp cmtuh...hehee..haish..da berpunye ke blum ye..hehe...(ain gatal...wek!!)...

...sy mitak tlg syira download kn lgu whataya want from me - adam lambert....die kn gay...tp die pn encem jgk...kenape gay nih mct lelaki encem...cian kt pmpuan2 nih...xdpt laki encem...kekeke...rmy kwn2 saye stuju ng saye...kn?kn?kn?...mase sy borak2 ng bdk garang on the phone....sy xabih2 puji enck ridhwan dan bebrape lg artis lelaki yg encem....sy terlupe, die pn lelaki jugak...ehhe...cian die tpkce dgr sy puji lelaki lain...bnyk kali plak tuh sy ckp encik ridhwan encem....kuikuikui...

...mase g jsco pn ade lelaki encem gk..tp cowg tu ade awek..cowg g da ade wife n cowg anak....hehe...umai kate..."kenape lelaki kacak sume da berpunye???"...kami sume tade jawapan utk pertanyaan tuh...ehehehe..yg laki first yg kacak nih, farah n syira je nmpk...pastu ttbe, tsrempak ng diowg g kt tgkat atas...pnuye la usehe frh tarik sy sb nk tnjuk muke laki tuh....encem la...features muke die yg mnarik phatian....umai ckp...obvious sgt yg gf laki tuh perasan yg farah acik tgk bf die je...hehe...tergugat pmpuan tuh,...cian....hehe..cowie...tgk je...xngorat pn...hehe...n yg 2nd guy nih umai yg nmpk...sy pn nk tgk jgk..sy pusing ke arah escalator sb lelaki tu da nk trun...kacak la jugak...hehe...seronoknye kami sume sb dpt tgk lelaki kacak...tp saye rase kn, encik ridhwan lg kacak....ehhehe....daaaa...


susahnye tade broadband...nk mengupdate pn xleh...nk men fb pn xleh...susah2...nk cite bnyk2 pn xdpt cb xleh nk online....tencen2!!!hehe...tggu nnt sy rgster line bru ye...ouh..xsabarnye....ekeke..

well...ari jumaat mlm ari tuh,slps abih test CONTROL... celebrate birthday syira = my rumate....ade kek...and yg anjurkn nih coursemate die...dowg dtg blik saye...kejutkn die dr tido...lepas tu men calit2 aising di muke...saye pn menjadik mangse....bukan itu shj, dowg wt kotor dgn mnggoncangkn coke tuh pastu bukak..abih terpercik sume...sape yg lap???wahida jugak...wahida nih kwn syira..die xcke kotor2...kami pn xcke...tp, nm wt cmne...wahida tu, tgh owg len wat kotor, kije die mgelap je....kami cube mengelakkn diri dari dikotorkn...owg len pny birthday, owg len yg excited main...haish...xphm saye...bukan saye xsporting...saye xkicah..tp tlg la cnsider owg len jgk....dowg da wat bsing ng menjerit2 kt umah sy...smpai tgkat atas n blok len pn dgr...wt ktor plak...lepas tu, xckup ng baling kek ng air tumpah..diowg baling tepung plak...(cian tepung...hehe...)..rumah saye da mcm bakery da....syira kene baling ng tpung..rmbut pn putih je...dan saye pn kene jugak..ade la manusia2 yg xperlu disebutkn namenye yg wat kije nih.....(sabar syira....)hehehe...diowg pn msukkn tpung dlm baju...da mcm pky bedak...hehe...(cian syira saye..lg ckali...)..tepung bersepah dimerata tempat...sy...hny mmpu mmandang disamping tersnyum seolah2 sy mnikmati kekusutan itu...sy memandang wajah syira, umai dan wahida...sy taw, diowg pn mcm saye...kn?kn?kn?...dowg men tpung smpai dlm blik umai...sy taw umai geram...tp apekn daye, xmmpu berkate pape...n ouh..umai jtuh kerusi cb mngelakkn diri drpd shikin yg sube mencalit aising ke mukenye....hehe...(cian umai)...n, syira...mukenye da mcm pky mask...cnfirm tade jerawat...hehe....dlm pkul 1 lbey, bru keadaan reda..dr pkul 11 ye...kami saje wat tataw kt birthday syira, da mlm bru wt suprise...hehe...die mmg terkejut...hehe...bile nk mengemas tuh, yg mastermind buat ktor tuh yg balik dlu..yg tanak main ktor tu yg kne kemas....sy pn tataw nk kate ape....da mop pn, tpung tu still mlekat kt lnty....smpai dpn pntu umah...kami decide nk kemas esoknye memandangkn, sok pagi tuh sy ade test vibration...(dan sy xstudy lg time tuh)...sy mandi, dan saye study...study tutorial je pn...ekkeke...dn mlm tu pn berlalu...

sabtu pagi, sy pegi test...alhamdulillah..sume ok...syira msg ckp die kuar...die kate, nnt balik kite kemas same2...sy pn setuju aje...sy pn lepas test, ade rncangan ng bdk2 kelas g planetarium..weee...sy sgt suke....suke..suke....(sy cite kt bdk garang yg sy suke pegi sane...sy tataw la brape pluh kali sy nyatakan saye suke pegi sane....mst die busan...eheheh)...sy bejalan2 dlm tuh...semua sudut sy pegi..dan sy sgt kagum dgn ciptaan Allah S.W.T...betape hebatnye ciptaan Dia...xdpt digambarkn dgn kate2...xdpt nk imagine alam ini seluas mane....matahari kite ni sgt2 sgt2 sgt la kcik bbanding matahari galaksi laen....n, ade game jgk....suke2..tp wayang 3D xleh tgk g sb still under maintenance...len kali lak g..nk g ng bdk garang leh x???hehe....balik dr sane, sy sgt mgntuk...sy nk tido....sy kemas brg dlm singki dan saye tido dr pkul 3 smpai 7..hehehe...(sy ade pengecualian time tuh)...mlm tuh, syira plak mop lik lntai ng air sabun....dan lntai pn da cantik...(tenkiu syira baik..hehe...)...dan ahadnye, kami plan nk ke jusco baru...weee....

ahad pagi...patutnye jln kul 8.32...tp tersasar ke pkul 10...erk???hehe...jln pny jln...sy bli beg bru n blaus bru...kuikuikui...syira pn bli kemeja ng vest..sgt cntik bile die pky....(jeles2!!)..hehe..umai bli suar bru...n farah...ratu shopping kite la...mcm2 die bli...xpe, asalkn die bhagie...hehe...smpai umah dkt pkul 8.30...dan baru la mule memikirkn yg rport xciap lg...heheh...

isnin pagi...skrg, sy berada di library mengupdate blog nih smbil chatting ng syira kt facebook...(die tgh kelas techcom..die menyalahgunekn pc dlm lab tuh....report kt lecturer nnt!!!)...hehe...mlm sok ade test thermo plak...haish..bnyknye test....cpt2 la abih sem nih.....

sabtu ni g jb..ikut my family...weeee...sukenye sy...cpt2 abih mggu ni....sy da xsabar...hehe...

rasenye ni je dlu...da sgt2 pjg da nih...later lak k...daaa...

Thursday, March 4, 2010

|it is confirmed|

hurm...mcmane nk start....ermm...haa..da cnfirm pndah jb...rumah pn da ade...tgkat 6.bygkn???memule tgkat 12...hehe...cian abah..gayat....ekekek...ibu kate, bulan 6 kite lik png...tgk ape yg ttggl, leh bwk...hehe...

cikin..die ni la..cian cket..die cyg nk tgllkn kwn2 n ckolah die....sy ckp kt die...oo, btw...ckin is my little sister....jgn la crabutkn abh yg da crabut tuh..bukan kite mitak pndah ttbe...n then, die bls msg sy....i've been thinking..jom pegi johor....die da ok cket kot...xpe...nnt die leh wat kwn bru n no more charlie2 tuh....charlie tuh binatang kecik yg sgt suke melukekn adik sy...sy xsuke charlie..hehehe....nnt die g skolah, SIGS....Sultan Idris Girl School..mcm SGGS je...ehhe...skool tuh ade asrama...mummy said, die kene duk ostel..tkut die lalai....haha....that's my cikin...leka je kijenye....

jadi, setel da kot...next week...pndah...ari sbtu abh btolak, sy pn ikut ckali...saje, nk tgk jhor cmne....last mase sy umo 2 taun...ape pn sy da xingt...hehehe...sy, ok je kot..leh carik spot bru nk lepak...duk area town, cng kot nk kuar...ekeke..xmcm kepala batas...heheh...

ouh...kwn sy nurin...syg jugak die kt sy...merajuk die bile dpt taw sy nk pndah...ingtkn die xkisah sgt...hehe...nurin2....n, sy kene pegi ke shah alam utk bejumpe ng die..klu x, she's gonna kill me....adeyh....o_O...sy xkn lupekn kwn2 baik sy..sy syg sume...nurin, shakila n athirah...BFF...yg si shakila lak ckp...beshnye pndah jb...hehe..kakak die ade duk jb, so klu die trun jb, nk jmpe la....n athirah, die ckp gonna miz u...tharu juge...

another one my BFF...capiq...hehe..die pn cedey..pdhal, klu sy kt umah kt png tu bukannye kami jmpe....tp tahla...still feels sad..xpe capiq...next time kite jmpe okeh...n time tu, sy nk kurus...hehe...

lg, adli yg blaja kt utm ng my coursemate tuh conok je cite kt jb ade ape...n si ija ahmad tuh, mct nk jmpe2 la tuh...hehehe...so jb, i'm on my way...hehe...

png...definitely gives me a lot of sweet and memorable memories....

jhr...show me what u got...hehehe...

ni dlu la ye...sy ade test esok mlm ng luse pagi...sy ckp ng epul nk dtg cc kejap je...da hampir sejam nih...hehe..nk ctudy2...

nk ctudy2...daaa....

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


hurm...da lme xmcuk cb tenet tade..broadband kne terminate..ekekke...quick update la ye...ari tu g jejalan ng yus...tgk due muvie..niyang rapik ng valentine's day...pastu, 1.3.10...ibu bgtaw kene pndah jb...huh...12.03.10 akn berangkat dah..xcmpt nk lik png...mcmane la ye...rce pelik jgk......