Saturday, February 27, 2010

| perut oh perut |

pd ari, ain telah mengalami cakit prut yg amt cgt da tlh dbawe ke klinik oleh kwn sy iaitu farah n apak nye...hehe...cakit yg xterhingge....cucuk2...di sblh kiri...yg pasti itu bukan apendiks okeh...hehe...pegi kt klinik ayer keroh....mcuk jmpe doc tuh...die tny2..n then die check..die tekan2 perut...rupenye2, sy kmbung pd bhgian cblh kiri....bnyk angin...mkn xikut time + xmembuang g ari nih...heheheh....kne la inject kt tgn...cakit xpe, sy tough..bak kate bdk garang...lps tu, da cihat....mkn ubt sembelit 2bijik...hehe..cok leh le g jejalan...chopping2...ehehehe...wee...

n ade kwn bru..dan die perasan, sy suke gelak...ehehhe...klu xgelak, itu bukan ain okeh??...ehehe..k time utk tido...nk g jejalan..n yus pn nk dtg...weeee...ehhe...

till then..ciao...daaa..

Friday, February 26, 2010

lameeeeee xupdate

hehe...cowie...da lme xupdate..cian bloggy...lik cuti ari tu, lgsg xsntuh blog..ekekek..pdhal bnyk cgt cite nk bgtaw...mcm2 jadik dr ari nk balik sampaila lik ke mlake lik...nk cite ke x???mcm da lme cgt je....xperlu la kot...hikhik...g pn, tade sape yg bce blog nih...tade sape bminat pn...heheeh...mcm mnarik je klu ade rmy follower tp, tade sape yg sudi follow...hehehe...keciannye cube utk lebik aktif lepas nih....bloggy adlah tmpt sy mluahkn prasaan sy..kdg2, luah dkt kwn2 pn, blum tntu kite lega...alternatif len, blogging la..hehe...mgkin sy ptut mule balik...dgn menceritekn sape dri sy n yg skeliling dgn sy...mgkin stu ari nnt, sy akn menjadi blogger yg kne pkirkn idea..ape sy nk cite utk entry pas nih...nk taw cite sy???oooo..n, korg mst tetanye2, sape itu bdk garang...mgkin sy ptut exposekn siape die sbnrnye...hehe...cikit2 leh kot kn..dan sy yakin, enck bdk garang tuh xkn jmpe blog sy n bace blog, sy xbgtaw sape2 pn kwn sy yg sy da ade ape sy malu xpndy bg cerite yg cube, tp xbejaye...heehe...ciannye sy lg ckali...

okies..till then..daaa..o_O...

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

before i go to sleep

...well..umm...on saturday, went to mydin...gedung membeli belah anda....hehe...
...bought few things...necessary things...not craps...
...then, on sunday went to dataran pahlawan with mama, apak and frh...
...mama shop till she drop!!!hehe...she bought a lot of things...
...then, we bought the same shoes but different colours...
...cweet gk la..ehehe...
...some pics on that day...

from left: ain, mama, farah..

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

days gone by

//so, ari isnin ari tuh ade kuiz...leh thn la gk ke 'strict' kan dr. fahmi tuh...//
//ehehe...leh jwb la...hopefully full mark....dush2...//
//ari selase...hmm...suffering from my period pain...//
//really painful...rase nk menjerit2 je...//
//4 bijik mkn menstrual panadol tuh...ehhehe//
//taw xbgus mkn bnyk..but then, i have to...i can't stand it..//
//ari ni, x pegi kelas control....cakit prut g...//
//rupe2nye...ade ptg tuh techcom pegi la...//
//g wat reflections kt blog yg cne...//
//hehe...da edit ckit2 bg cantik...da cantik da blog cne...nnt cantikkan blog ni lak...//
//ekkeek...tade ape pn nk cite...can't wait to go home next week...//
//epul ckp nk dtg g...tataw la jadik ke x...hrp2 jadik....ngee...//
//c ya when i c ya...daaa....//
